Zoom Error Code 104103: Easy Fix

Encountering the Zoom error code 104103 can be frustrating, but with the right solutions, it can be resolved quickly. This error code typically occurs due to misconfigured DNS settings, an outdated app version, unstable internet connection, antivirus software interference, incorrect firewall or DNS settings, outdated OS/system software, or server issues.

To fix this error code, there are a number of troubleshooting steps you can try. These include force-stopping the Zoom app, restarting your router, changing the router frequency channel, configuring firewall settings on Windows, changing APN settings on mobile devices, changing DNS settings on Windows, clearing the Zoom app cache data, updating the Zoom app, resetting network settings, or updating the device system software.

By following these steps, you can overcome the connectivity issues associated with the Zoom error code 104103 and resume your video conferencing without further interruption.

Zoom error code 104103

Key Takeaways:

  • Zoom error code 104103 can be caused by various factors such as misconfigured DNS settings, outdated app version, or unstable internet connection.
  • Force-stopping the Zoom app, restarting the router, or changing network settings can help resolve the error code.
  • Updating the Zoom app and device system software is also recommended for optimal performance.
  • Check for the latest updates and ensure a stable internet connection to minimize future errors.
  • If the problem persists, it may be due to server downtime, which should be resolved within a day.

Why Do I Receive Zoom Error Code 104103 While Joining A Meeting?

The Zoom error code 104103 can be frustrating when you are trying to join a meeting, but understanding the reasons behind this error can help you resolve it effectively. There are several factors that can cause this error code to appear:

  1. An unstable internet connection: If your internet connection is weak or experiencing fluctuations, it can lead to connectivity issues with Zoom.
  2. Misconfigured device network settings: Incorrect network settings on your device can interfere with the communication between Zoom and the meeting server.
  3. Outdated or corrupted Zoom app: Using an outdated version of the Zoom app or having a corrupted installation can trigger the error.
  4. Antivirus software interference: Sometimes, antivirus software may mistakenly identify Zoom as a threat and block its connection to the server.
  5. Incorrect firewall or DNS settings: Improper firewall or DNS settings can prevent the Zoom app from establishing a secure connection to the meeting server.
  6. Outdated OS/system software: Having outdated operating system or system software can cause compatibility issues with Zoom, resulting in the error code.
  7. Server downtime: In some cases, the Zoom server may experience temporary downtime, leading to the error code 104103.

By identifying the specific cause of the error, you can take appropriate steps to resolve it. In the next section, we will discuss how to fix the Zoom error code 104103 and get back to joining meetings seamlessly.

Why Do I Receive Zoom Error Code 104103 While Joining A Meeting?

How Do I Fix the Error Code 104103 On Zoom?

When encountering the Zoom error code 104103, it can be frustrating to join or host a meeting. However, there are several troubleshooting solutions that can help resolve this error and get you back to seamless video conferencing. Here are some steps you can take:

Force-stop the Zoom app:

To start, try force-stopping the Zoom app on your device. This can help refresh the app and clear any temporary issues that may be causing the error code.

Restart your router:

An unstable internet connection can often be the culprit behind the error code 104103. By restarting your router, you can resolve any connectivity issues and establish a stable connection for your Zoom meetings.

Configure firewall settings:

Firewall settings on your Windows device may sometimes interfere with the Zoom app. Make sure to configure the firewall settings to allow Zoom’s communication and ensure smooth functionality.

Update the Zoom app and device software:

Outdated versions of the Zoom app or your device’s software can also trigger the error code 104103. Check for any available updates and install them to ensure compatibility and resolve any known issues.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively fix the Zoom error code 104103 and enjoy uninterrupted video conferencing experiences. Remember to always check for the latest updates and maintain a stable internet connection for optimal Zoom performance.


In conclusion, the Zoom error code 104103 can be a frustrating obstacle when trying to join a meeting. However, there are effective solutions available to resolve this issue and ensure a seamless video conferencing experience.

By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, such as force-stopping the Zoom app, restarting the router, and adjusting network settings, users can overcome the connectivity issues associated with this error code.

Furthermore, configuring firewall settings, updating the Zoom app and device software, and maintaining a stable internet connection are essential for resolving the error and optimizing Zoom performance.

In the event that the problem persists, it is advisable to check for the latest updates and ensure that the Zoom server is not experiencing any downtime. Typically, server issues are resolved within a day, allowing users to resume their meetings without further interruption.


Why do I receive Zoom Error Code 104103 while joining a meeting?

The Zoom Error Code 104103 can occur due to various factors such as an unstable internet connection, misconfigured device network settings, outdated or corrupted Zoom app, antivirus software interference, incorrect firewall or DNS settings, outdated OS/system software, or server downtime.

How do I fix the Error Code 104103 on Zoom?

To resolve the Zoom Error Code 104103, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:
– Force-stop the Zoom app
– Restart your router
– Change the router frequency channel
– Configure firewall settings on Windows
– Change APN settings on mobile devices
– Change DNS settings on Windows
– Clear the Zoom app cache data
– Update the Zoom app
– Reset network settings
– Update the device system software

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Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Lifelong gamer and writer Pramod Singh cover video games across all genres and platforms, aiming to fairly critique, thoughtfully analyze, and vividly describe interactive magic for readers.